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单词 success in 例句大全,用单词success in造句:

His success in amateur theatricals led him on to think he could tread the boards for a living.
What outstanding success did commando make in respect of motherland of afforestation, afforest?
The application of bentonite protection in drilling anchor bar holes in sand soil is a success.
Still, the economy alone does not account for the military's success in attracting more recruits.
We wish you success in your work amid these extraordinarily difficult international circumstances.
Acceleration of social and economic development is indispensable to overall success in Afghanistan.
Like most people, you are not a person who stays at one level of success and achievement in your life.
Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one's aim.
Strive for success in English learning by grasping the reading skills on the basis of background knowledge
以知识争先, 靠阅读取胜
The anticipated increase in sample numbers necessitates innovative technology solutions to achieve success.
In river channel regulating engineering, some success has been achieved in the application of hook groynes.
在河道治理工程中, 折线导流坝的应用有一定的成效。
Having achieved both success and fame, I will provide a happy life for my father, who lives in the countryside.
The Research of the Relation between Feelings of Academic Success and Level of Aspiration in High School Students
In the same period, Goodman became the first famous jazz musician to achieve success performing classical repertory.
Bimbo's chocolate bread was a success in its home market, but had to modify its products to find an audience in China.
The Li bald astute extroversion, according to the circumstance, can achieve success one way or another in front of the reality.
李光头精明外向, 随机应变, 在现实面前左右逢源。
Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination. I beg you to take this little gift as a souvenir.
In addition, the selection of the apposite herbicide and effective weed control were quarantee of success in rice dry planting.
People involved with Blair Witch realize that the amazing success of this film does not ensure a similar success in the future.
The success of Mc Donald lies in its marketing and advertisement. His skill lies in his ability to communicate quite complicated ideas.
All the people present burst into acclamation, and sing and dance around the bonfires to demonstrate their success in making fire seed.
Statistics And Analysis On The Success And Failure Rate And The Programme Of Attempt In Female Weightlifting Competition In Beijing Olympic Games
What I desire in the day, pray for in the evening, dream in the night, and long for in the early morning is only the success of love. That is success in life.
Life Is Beautiful is the sixth film Benigni has directed, and his greatest success, taking 28 international prizes since its release in December 1997 in addition to the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes.
In Han Feizi, Wu Du,"Long sleeves help one to dance skifully, and much money helps one to achieve success in business." He is well known in his company for using tricks to serve himself.
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