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单词 Suchá 例句大全,用单词Suchá造句:

How come you sent such a yellow bellied guy as Jack on such a tough assignment?
Such doing, human body overheat, cause the disease such as sore furuncle easily.
这样做, 人体过热, 容易引起疮疖等病症。
Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind.
How could I have known that such an expensive commodity was of such poor quality?
Provided that in such cases such poles shall be efficiently connected with earth.
但在上述情况下, 此等杆柱须有效与地接驳。
However, in such situations international cooperation may lessen any such effect.
An electronic device, such as an oscillator or a detector, using such a material.
Crassa suitable for such yarn fabrics, such as tweed, coarse cloth, such as ping.
If they tell you to come on such and such a day, dont agree if its not convenient.
如果他们告诉你在某某天来, 你不方便就不要答应他们。
How could I have known that such an expensive commodity was of such poor quality ?
这么贵得商品, 岂知质量竟然这么不好?
However, once enter practice, such and such problem block up is worn catch fulfil.
然而, 一旦进入实践, 就有这样那样的问题阻碍着抓落实。
You are really have such a long tongue, you don't stop nagging about such a trifle.
Twisted between the two, Wand lead such an unreal life and such an unfaithfual love.
在两者之间, 王生活得如此不真实, 也爱得如此不坦诚。
The Committee shall meet at such times and at such places as the Chairman may appoint.
Arty Is it fair to compare such different forms of media such as still life, video etc
把图像和录像这两种媒介拿来比较, 是否是公平的?
There was always such a lovely breeze upon the water, and you saw such lots of people.
Chopsticks, opening or closing, such as folding fans, loud, such as hardwood clappers.
筷子, 开阖如折扇, 铿锵如檀板。
We need to be able to make such choices more freely than such a requirement would allow.
I could not believe that such a simple mistake was about to have such dire consequences.
It is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifling matters.
In addition, there are some special species, such as abrasives, such as sintered corundum.
If you pay attention to your child such as the emperor to your parents such as burdensome?
And may establish such additional Committees with such functions as it may deem appropriate.
Oh, it was hard that such a diamond should be changed away against such a false stone as this.
Vacuum cleaners, sewing machines and other household appliances, such as the use of such motor.

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