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单词 Suicide attack 例句大全,用单词Suicide attack造句:

Do you want to carry out a suicide attack?
Then they teach us to do a suicide attack.
The suicide attack in Colombo took place hours later.
Death Toll in Suicide Attack on Baghdad Wedding Party Rises to 23
At least 26 people have been killed in a suicide attack in Baghdad.
By any sane measure it would be suicide to attack that Covenant battle group.
任何明智的权衡下, 攻击圣约人的战斗群都是自杀行动。
The talks came hours after a suicide car bomber attack in Peshawar where at least 12 people died.
会谈召开之前, 白沙瓦一起汽车爆炸事件造成至少12人死亡。
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