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单词 turn over 例句大全,用单词turn over造句:

Turn over the guests books, materials, or eavesdrop the guest talk is not allowed.
Whenever turn over to open the book page, then if open a door with decorous ancient.
每当翻开书页, 便宛若打开了一扇古朴厚重的门。
This protest activity is mix by labour union turn over poor organization to initiate.
Exams don't turn over a book, absolutely pigs, cheating don't panic, caught is loaded.
The rich brocade can be silenced down to thoroughly turn over to see book on the entire.
Carefully turn over the leaves of the precious volume a library with a store of rare books
A words say, these three influences, determinedly fight, can not make them turn over a body.
一句话的说, 对这三股势力, 要坚决打击, 不得让他们翻身。
Does the case that our country product suffers abroad to turn over a dumping have that what?
Pakistani police say the Lahore consulate has refused to turn over the driver to authorities.
I actually think to jilt money on his face, then escalator to turn over chart to walk a person.
我很想把钱甩在他脸上, 然后掀翻桌子走人。
The date book that turn over to open to take along with, the inside is all concerning your story.
Turn over one of covering pink color, what attribute is doing the sofa with petaline diffuse shape?
Several problems on the crime of irregularities for favoritism so as not to turn over criminal cases
BE carelessly fallen off while before stealing treasures in tomb a person to turn over a corpse outlying
Turn over wrapping, see the face inside wrapping and glans hyperaemia erosion, have ooze liquid, bleed even.
翻开包皮, 可见包皮内面及龟头充血糜烂, 有渗液, 甚至于出血。
According to the turn over direction, respectively toward front, to after, to turns a cartwheel three kinds.
Once you are determined to turn over a new leaf, you should stick to the principle without faltering at all.
Relatively chamois Yi Qing manages turn over flix, cowhide, soft lambskin to all be main material to pledge.
Cushion can turn over changeover to use, answer to retroflexion every week, make wear away to distributing equably.
The paper introduces the technology of form turn over by carriage climbing for the construction of high bridge pier.
Goods of checking also necessarily each turn over to check a quite a few time, even tear open bottom of trunks to seek.
To obtain foreign currency by false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage
Turn over subcontract skin, cricoid and contractible place is shown to call coronal shape channel at the back of visible glans.
Generally speaking, of straight strong pattern sit lavatory somes the noise of strong water is big and turn over flavour easily.
Treatment of thoracolumbar vertebral fracture with spinal cord injury by turn over decompression and regrafting of vertical lamina
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单词 turn over 释义

  • 单词释义:移交;(使)翻转;变换(电视频道);仔细考虑  [更多..]



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