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单词 The Warriors 例句大全,用单词The Warriors造句:

The warriors will be remembered throughout the ages.
Who can vie against the Terracotta Warriors and Horses
Feature the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and the Buddhas warriors.
The Amanishi Warriors Charge ability now has a minimum range.
And the men were all Grecian warriors fighting with Agamemnon.
男的都曾经是跟随阿伽门农 打仗的希腊斗士。
Is Corey Maggette already almost a lost cause for the Warriors ?
科里 马盖蒂是勇士沉沦的遮羞布吗
Last month also issued a underground city with the Warriors, but also a great success.
上个月也发布了地下城与勇士, 也取得很大成功。
Your aim is to rescue Billy's lover Marian who has been captured by the Black Warriors.
Warriors Overpower dims on the action bar when the player is affected by disarm spells.
In the Wei, Jin, the Northern and Southern dynasties, soldier warriors with armor and helmets appeared.
After the Ming Dynasty is annihilated by Ching warriors from manchuria, ming's general Cheng escaped to taiwan.
Some terracotta warriors in Xian, capital of Shaanxi province were slightly affected by the earthquake and several aftershocks.
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