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单词 thermal low 例句大全,用单词thermal low造句:

Synthesis and Its Microstructure of Calcium Dialuminate Materials with Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient
Heat source device with plasma arc quenching is of great capacity for its high thermal efficiency and low cost.
等离子弧淬火热源装置热效率高, 成本低, 有巨大的发展潜力。
Low vision aid in exudative macular degeneration treated by photodynamic therapy and thermal laser photocoagulation
This product is characterized by low expansion coefficient, high refractoriness, good thermal and chemical stability.
Application of Frequency Control of Speed in Drain Water Level Control System of Low Pressure Heater in Thermal Power Plant
In the first section, we have done the experiments of flame spread across solid thermal thin fuels in the low ambient pressures.
Effect of Stress on Electrochemical Behaviour of Various Thermal History Zones and Different Phase Structures on the Weldment for Low Alloy Steel
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