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单词 things personal 例句大全,用单词things personal造句:

There is no punishment on personal things like drinking.
I'll put it in my personal collection of things that really gross me out.
One of the most exciting things about emergent technology is personal empowerment.
Discern that personal power does not come form the possession of material things alone.
Excuse me, please take off your shoes and take your personal things out of your pockets.
您好, 请您脱鞋, 把身上带的东西都拿出来。
He intuitively understood that people create personal bonds with things when they know their stories.
I think the technicities of creativity can be taught and shared, and I think you can find out things about your own personal physical signature.
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单词 things personal 释义

  • 单词释义:[法] 动产,个人财产  [更多..]



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