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单词 older boy 例句大全,用单词older boy造句:

Asked the older looking boy.
The little Boy was beaten up by the older Boy.
He is bash up in the playground by some older boy.
The older boy gave the newcomer some brotherly advice.
The older Boy liked to make fun by pulling the girl's hair.
George gave as good as he got in his fight with the older boy.
His wife blurted, then dashed to the door to call the older boy.
他的妻子脱口而出, 然后冲向门口去叫他的长子。
As the Boy grew older, his mother began to cut the apron strings.
当男孩稍长, 他母亲开始让他独立。
But the boy noticed that his friend seemed older, more easily fatigued.
小伙子发现他的朋友好像老了, 容易疲惫。
The boy does not access the film through the same lens of history as the older man.
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