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单词 open cut 例句大全,用单词open cut造句:

That holy innocence and open communion with God was cut off.
because i got to cut someone open today from start to finish.
Do you know that they have to cut open her brain to install it?
The congressman cut in quick before Johnny could open his mouth.
Cut over the way open excessive, beard some unnecessary way closes.
First, cut open the fish, separate the fish meat and the main bone.
首先, 将鱼剖开, 将鱼肉和鱼中骨分离。
The body is a sealed unit and must be cut open to remove the filler.
She fell and cut her head open, ie suffered a deep wound to the head.
她摔倒了, 撞破了脑袋。
They ceremoniously cut a piece of ribbon, declaring the exhibition open.
I said, that day, I would certainly use the scalpel cut open your chest.
He took out his hunting knife cut open her corpse to find out what was wrong.
Daisy cut the package strings open and found inside two boxes and a small card.
戴西剪掉绳子打开包裹, 里面是两个盒子和一张卡片。
Besides, cartons are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk of pilferage.
They also knew not to cut in on the conversation or chew with their mouths open.
她们也都知道不要打断别人的谈话, 或吃东西时把嘴巴张开。
Breaking open walnut shell, remove the walnut on the film, cut into small pieces.
He took out his hunting knife and cut open her corpse to find out what was wrong.
他拿出猎刀, 剖开了母鹿的尸体想弄个了解。
One that opens, especially a device used to cut open cans or pry up bottle caps.
When the wall was cut open, a gecko was found to be trapped there by a nail on its tail.
Research of Metro Station Structure Scheme by Enlarging Shield Tunnel with Open Cut Method
Cut along one of its heights. What shape can you get when you open up the cylinder's flank?
Tunneling Techniques of Open Cut in close quarters for Step Over a Existing Shield Tunneling
Cut the legs off your jeans and cut them open along the inside seam. Lay them flat on the table.
A dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed or to slit uncut pages of books.
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