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单词 On the Road 例句大全,用单词On the Road造句:

Never take the other driver personally as the person only acting on road rage instinct.
不要太过敏感, 失控驾驶者只是天性如此, 不是针对某个人。
Ood thing the Wiz are also playing today on the road, hopefully they will be tired also.
The address is No.142 on the 4th Liberation Road. I will definitely pay you a visit someday.
It would be good for everyone if we could reach some common accord on the issue of road safety.
Adjacent to 204 National Road, East Shanghai on the north near Nantong, transportation convenient.
Though you probably wouldn't realise it, more accidental deaths occur in the home than on the road.
The transportation administration departments are urging for levies on the cost of road maintenance.
According to the weather report, there is thunderstorm tonight. Take care while driving on the road.
A informational speech on road administration was once given in the community, and the response was good.
My husband, acting as the gobetween and chauffeur, set down one basic rule We had to be on the road by 9 a. m. each morning.
And what percentage of corporate laptop PCs are redundant machines that are used solely to access the company network while workers are on the road
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单词 On the Road 释义

  • 单词释义:乘汽车旅行;在走向…的路上;巡回演出  [更多..]



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