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单词 oil paper 例句大全,用单词oil paper造句:

The Paper describes the applications of Roselle and the ex tracting and re fining procedures of Roselle seed oil.
This paper introduces the colorimetric method for determination of total chlorine light oil by spectrophotometer.
This paper presents a method for double nonlinear analysis of the loading capacity of oil derrick steel structures.
This paper describes cretaceous petroleum system in Ecuador Oriente Basin. The oil resources are rich in this basin.
The paper introduces the theory of return oil cooling mechanism for the dual pump converging hydraulic system of loaders.
The paper analyzes the technical situation of domestic and foreign lubricant oil industry from the point of view of patents.
从专利的角度, 分析了国内外润滑油工业的技术现状。
The characteristics and counter measures in centralized oil lubrication for bearings of wire part of high speed paper machines
This paper studiesand discusses the new development of the well logging technology and its contribution to the oil and gasexploration.
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