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单词 oil can 例句大全,用单词oil can造句:

To add an Asian touch, you can also add soy sauce, fish sauce and sesame oil.
After cystic operation can touch oil a few days, a few days can eat the meat.
When removing the sender, remember that residual engine oil can still emerge.
In the same way, vegetable oil can be used for cooking instead of animal oil.
Jig design to fast clip, upper clip, lower hitch preventing from oil can slip.
To serve sprinkle with green onion, ginger, topped with a little sesame oil can.
Oil of pink of fly maggot albumen, maggot, mix acetyl chitin can batch production.
The filling machine can be used lubricating oil, edible oil and other oil filling.
该灌装机可应用于润滑油, 食用油等油类得灌装。
According to the source can be divided into vegetable oil, animal oil and fish oil.
Steaming hot first herbal ball about15 minutes to essential oil can infiltrate out.
thirdly, fuel oil can be saved, and the service life of an engine can be prolonged.
节约燃油, 增加发动机的使用寿命。
Antioxidant and metal deactivator can elevate the oxidation stability of turbine oil.
If you can't stand the taste of fish, consider fish oil or flax seed oil supplements.
After hydrolysis, organic phase oil can be distilled with vapor in normal temperature.
A xxx all amount of olive oil applied after shampooing can substitute hair conditioner.
Nowadays with computers and all that,you can't even change the oil by yourself anymore.
Oil shale can be converted into shale oil by retorting, which is similar to natural oil.
It was said palm oil can help weight loss, so many obese women rushed crazily to buy it.
Tamanu oil can be applied directly to scars upon the skin as well to aid in their ascent.
塔玛纽油也可以直接涂抹到皮肤伤疤上, 以协助其提升。
Cottonseed oil can either be processed to edible oil or applied in industrial production.
Iraq's interruption of its oil sales a month ago can only further aggravate the situation.
The cutting oil can not be fed to the cutting tool if the machine body is unduly inclined.
的切削油, 不能吃的刀具, 如果机体是不必要的倾向。
I often have stomached and abdomen pain, which kind of essential oil can reduce this problem
Clinical feeding studies in humans have shown that avocado oil can reduce blood cholesterol.
饲临床研究, 在人类已表明, 鳄梨油能显着降低血胆固醇。
The oil can come from animal fat or plant sources like coconut avocado, coconut or sunflower.
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