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单词 official use 例句大全,用单词official use造句:

Official use of the Tibetan calendar is lunar Dingmao year began.
Wide bright gate has only official can use times of grade curtilage.
Let all speak Standard Mandarin and use the official simplified characters.
大家都说普通话, 大家都写规范字。
The operational use of the drones has never been described by official sources.
This Friday will be, to use its official title, The Date That Most Resembles Corduroy.
Operational Guidelines for School Official Cites Use direction control crucial balance squat down.
操作指南方向键控制平衡, 下蹲。
Of airport of Ren Chuan border presiding management official says, whole system will use screen technology.
仁川际机场的首席经营官说, 整个系统将使用触摸屏技术。
We will standardize the allocation and management of official cars and actively reform the system of their use.
You pick up the weaponsSchool Official Cites Use of syringes! Fog emit drugs to eradicate the bacteria abhorrent! Mouse operation.
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