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单词 Ogame 例句大全,用单词Ogame造句:

If I started to draw the emergence of a twogame hole will enter only the additional competition.
In most basketball videogames up to this point, they have been more of an afterthought.
Vending machines sell an amazing array of goods: beer, 10 kg bags of rice, fried octopus balls, even videogames.
Peter just carried on playing on his videogame.
RHP Joba Chamberlain served the final day of his twogame suspension. He is available to pitch today.
张伯伦结束两场的禁赛处分, 今天可望上场。
Homogametic sex The sex with homologous sex chromosomes, in mammals, designated XX.
指有相同性染色体的性别, 在哺乳动物中, 它用。
I want to see funny videogame stunts and couldn't care less about your cooking tutorials.
The country that gave the world transistor radios, the Walkman and hand-held videogames is now positioned to turn its love of gadgetry into a profitable national enterprise once again.

单词 Ogame 释义



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