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单词 of sorts 例句大全,用单词of sorts造句:

An epiphany of sorts overtook Packard when he watched the piles of his seed accumulate in his garage.
It leads to all sorts of environmental problems and problems that affect people throughout the nation.
这造成了各种环境问题 以及一些影响海地人民的其他问题
Eric I got all sorts of experiences from filming in Mainland China, sweet, resentful, bitter and acrid.
在大陆拍戏甜酸苦辣, 什麽都有, 好玩的蛮多。
Sex of alkali resistance of pure cotton cloth is strong, can use all sorts of soap and scour catharsis.
damask, silk, enchase all sorts of jacquard weave fabric and illuminative are small abb to braid fabrics.
Pressing element allocation is premise with the action of all sorts of element aborning and contribution.
Sorts of diseases were mainly confined to perianal abscess, anal fistula, anal fissure and mixed hemorrhoid etc.
The help human resources thorough settlement network employment advertise has brought all sorts of malpractices.
The property that contacts actively can have literalness explanation between all sorts of supervisory mechanisms.
All sorts of aerators can make surface treatment fordryingcylinders, cylinder covers, manhole covers and castings.
Clinical expression basically adds the performance of haemolysis sex anaemia for all sorts of expression of the primary affection.
Some apologists of feudalism glibly talk about the feudalist tenet of being benevolent, righteous, courteous, consistent and trustworthy, yet they committed all sorts of crimes.
Some apologists of feudalism glibly talk about the feudalist tenet of being benevolent, righteous , courteous, consistent and trustworthy, yet they committed all sorts of crimes.
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单词 of sorts 释义

  • 单词释义:勉强称得上的,较差的  [更多..]



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