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单词 off line 例句大全,用单词off line造句:

The platoon leader drew the soldiers up into line and bade them number off in fours.
Before you got inside you had to pass a line of Frenchmen peeling off their clothes.
Trunk line in ring configuration appropriate valves, cut off for inspection purposes.
Shut off the lower pipe ram, open the choke line and test the next ram and choke line.
关下部钻杆闸板, 开放喷阀, 试压第二个闸板和放喷泉管线。
Chosen for their interest to do things, not in line with the interests of the idea off.
Who marked off its dimensions ?Surely you know! Who stretched measuring line across it ?
你若晓得就说, 是谁定地的尺度?是谁把准绳拉在其上?
Applying on Off line Quality Management to Resolve Collapsibility of Silicate bonded Sand
He doesn't know how to insert the cut-off line in the file and had to ask his colleagues.
The promise of the cloud is shoving the costs of dealing with all that off the bottom line.
A razee is a robust frigate, created by cutting the top deck off a larger ship of the line.
Razee A razee is a robust frigate, created by cutting the top deck off a larger ship of the line.
在18世纪, 各国海军的战列舰越造越大, 火力也越来越强。
If the fuel supply line connection cannot be pulled off, disconnect it by twisting it back and forth.
Two floormen, located at the new drilling line spool, are to reeve off the drilling line without delay.
Primary school grade four Pull a female the hand of the classmate, drive brush off, study result straight line descend!
"Look," he said."Why don't you draw a line a few inches behind the board and aim at making your take-off from there?"
Inktomi, big in search software, prepares to cut the cord If you run a traditional, off-line business, probably you 're burning the midnight oil to make it Internet ready.
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单词 off line 释义



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