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单词 obsessive compulsive disorder 例句大全,用单词obsessive compulsive disorder造句:

It was recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat obsessive compulsive disorder.
The technique has also recently been approved in the US for treating the severest forms of obsessive compulsive disorder.
Personality disorder disorders, like obsessive compulsive disorder, came next.
Small dose of Olanzapine can be effectively used as a potentiator for obsessive compulsive disorder.
These two observational documentaries follow children with metal health problems Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Eating Disorder.
儿童在成长过程中, 身心的健康发展是家长们最重视的一环。
Objective To explore the efficacy of combining risperidoe and fluoxetine in the treatment of refractory obsessive compulsive disorder.
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单词 obsessive compulsive disorder 释义

  • 单词释义:强迫性神经(官能)症,强迫症(表现为反复出现但非患者自愿产生的观念和行为)  [更多..]



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