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单词 occupancy rate 例句大全,用单词occupancy rate造句:

The hotel business has its own load factor in the form of the occupancy rate.
Oakwood Gold Arch Residence has Guangzhou's highest serviced apartment occupancy and average rate.
A convention guarantees a good occupancy rate for the hotel over a period of at least several days.
The high occupancy rate of cube texture can be obtained by high temperature recrystallization annealing.
In addition, the optimal input characteristic combined by occupancy and flow rate in upstream is received.
and the vertical occupancy rate is determined according to the number of the flight pair with collision risk.
High occupancy rate CITIC Plaza is famous for its high occupancy rate and the leasing chance is rare and precious.
入住率超高中信广场少有单位放租放卖, 极少出货。
Because the World Cup is going to be held in this city, the average occupancy rate of hotels in the city has greatly increased.
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单词 occupancy rate 释义

  • 单词释义:房屋占用率,居住率,居住率  [更多..]



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