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单词 nautical mile 例句大全,用单词nautical mile造句:

an only an only pimping ship son, Abandon from the boat in the nautical mile.
叠成一只一只很小的船儿, 从舟上抛下在海里。
Advance 2 nautical miles transfer distance 3 degrees.
The International Maritime Bureau advises ships to keep 200 nautical miles off Somalia.
Poisonous sewage of the nautical mile, in the sky fill the air of the poisonous Yan of foul air.
海里的有毒污水, 天上弥漫的乌烟瘴气的毒焰。
A unit of speed,one nautical mile per hour,approximately 1.85 kilometers per hour.
Captain TT decided to put out nets around two nautical miles offshore from Bom Bay island.
But few of these products are bound for Cuba, just 548 nautical miles away.
Two 23-meter yachts race over 20 nautical miles up and down a sausage-shaped course marked out by two buoys.
It is designed to fly at Mach 0. 75 carrying 120 passengers 1, 598 nautical miles.
Small fishing boats within 8nautical miles of me. Navigate with caution.
The distance covered was to be 1500 nautical miles.
Include guarding Zhou go up to explore, go to nautical mile to invite swim.
The weather changes in temperature do not decide, each people in the mannautical mile, the meet always do not have the truth.
天气冷暖不定, 每个人都在人海里, 相遇总是没道理。
A distance of one nautical mile.
When the dolphins swim in the waves before the destroyer, the speed up to 3032 nautical miles.
而当海豚游在驱逐舰前的波浪中时, 速度可达3032海里。
The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour.
The word"knots" is a seagoing speed term meaning nautical miles per hour.
Change radar to 1 nautical miles range scale.
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单词 nautical mile 释义

  • 单词释义:海里(合1。852公里)  [更多..]



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