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单词 mushroom into 例句大全,用单词mushroom into造句:

Well, a mushroom walked into a bar and the bartender said.
一只蘑菇走进一个酒吧, 很好笑啊。
From the mountain a giant mushroom cloud billowed into the sky.
Wipe well. If canned straw mushroom is used, rinse, wipe and cut into halves.
如用罐装的草菇, 开罐后洗一洗, 抹干水便可。
Pour mushroom mixture into a greased baking dish. Arrange biscuits over the top.
Cut vegetarian pork, vegetarian ham, water chestnut and mushroom into 1cm cubes.
She throws ground meat, frozen vegetables and cream of mushroom soup into a casserole.
她则把肉末, 冷冻蔬菜和奶油蘑菇汤统统一锅烩。
Cut tofu into small cubes. Wash and trim the Honshimeji mushroom, slice the fish roll.
The radioactive cloud reaches a height of several miles before spreading out abruptly into a mushroom shape.
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