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单词 Ming'an 例句大全,用单词Ming'an造句:

First Master of Bixia played an important role in Ming and Qing Danasty's folk religion.
In this paper, drama culture of the late Ming Dynasty is reviewed from an especial point.
An investigation of the system of stationing troops in wudang mountain in the ming dynasty
In the Ming Dynasty , there was an enormous development in the artists portrayal of women..
在明朝, 女性肖像方面有很大发展。
An essay about the discrepancy of eunuchs'monopolizing power in the Tang and Ming dynasties.
An Analysis on the Relationship Between the Ming Government and Moslems Tribute in Central Asia.
Frequent famine and war was an important feature in the period between the Ming and Qing dynasties.
频仍的灾荒和战乱, 是明清之际一个重要的时代特征。
Microscopic Observations of Several Organ Tissues and Cells of an Ancient Cadaver of the Ming Dynasty
Xiao Ming want to compete with Yao Ming in basketball, its like an ant trying to topple a giant tree.
Xiao Ming want to compete with Yao Ming in basketball, it's like an ant trying to topple a giant tree.
This paper focuses on the different formations of the disyllabic words in You Ming Lu, an anthology in Nan dynasty.
An Enquiry into the Relationship between Buddhism and Catholicism at the Latter Years of Ming Dynasty and Early Qing Dynasty
Classified Collection of Various Sounds is an important anthology of plays and operas during the Wingli Era of the Ming Dynasty.
You might say it was an open policy of a sort when Zheng He was sent on voyages to the western oceans by Emperor Cheng Zu of the Ming Dynasty.

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