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单词 meet with 例句大全,用单词meet with造句:

Those who dare not face failure will meet with success forever.
Day they meet with darkness, And grope at noon as in the night.
He who sees through life and death will meet with most success.
生死以之, 必能成功。
He who sees through life and death will meet with most success .
A dishonest person is bound to meet with setbacks sooner or later.
No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.
不管你遇到什么困难, 都要执行计划。
And they will meet with film industry leaders and democracy activists.
I'm waiting to meet with my biology professor to discuss my last test.
A man may meet with some great calamity some time or other in his life.
Did you ever meet with anybody like that man out of this blessed country
You should be more careful, otherwise you might meet with some accident.
At the behest of the FBI, Mr. Browne continued to meet with Mr. Yakovlev.
在联邦调查局的授意下, 布朗继续与雅克夫列夫见面。
You can mesmerize anyone you meet with your cultured attitude and outlook.
The church or the missionary believers meet with catastrophe and stealing.
Villon would no longer meet with his ancient temporary provisional lodging.
to meet with a judge, prosecutor, or arbitrator in violation of regulations
违反规定会见法官, 检察官, 仲裁员
I wonder if you could arrange it for me to meet with Mr. Smith this morning.
Dreams, you often meet with me, all the regret that it will abate in a dream.
梦里, 你常来与我相会, 所有的遗憾在梦里都能让它消减。
If it could wait until tomorrow, I would adjust my schedule to meet with you.
如果它可以等到明天, 我将调整我的日程安排和你见面。
Yue Fei I hero, but opponent but not easy to exit , meet with a tragic death.
岳飞一世英雄, 可却没有好下场, 惨死敌手。
I've been busy all day, I really hope my darling can meet with everyone soon.
Meet with friends, Luankan quackish to attend the dinner to meet the stomach.
朋友相聚, 乱侃胡吹, 参加饭局, 满足肠胃。
I'm sorry for the sudden notice, but I'd like to meet with you this afternoon.
恕我冒昧, 今天下午我想与您会面。
Go to the courtyard park in Lancet, where Francis is due to meet with Derrick.
I really appreciate that you are able to meet with me given your busy schedule.
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单词 meet with 释义

  • 单词释义:偶然遇到; 碰到;遭受;和…会面  [更多..]



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