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单词 meeting place 例句大全,用单词meeting place造句:

Great idea, should we set a meeting place before so we can all get together
Make sure you know the time and place for the meeting in the afternoon first.
At the meeting, he pointed out that agriculture should be at the first place.
在会上, 他指出农业应当摆在第一位。
The school has been designated as the meeting place for the evening art club.
Place the basin between the Tent of Meeting and the altar and put water in it.
The meeting takes place against a background of continuing political violence.
The police succeeded in flushing the criminal from their secret meeting place.
The encounter place outside a school the village chief was attending a meeting.
The chairman decides the time and place of the meeting. Each delegate has one vote.
Even the music away slowly, the atmosphere in the meeting place still kept ardency.
And when you get there, you come to Harvard's biggest, meeting place and classroom.
That meeting is taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa through September fourth.
At last the great day came and Tortoise was the first to arrive at the meeting place.
向往已久的日子终于来临, 陆龟第一个到达聚集地。
The event should take place at the afternoon meeting on the second day of the session.
Also, allow her to set the rules and agenda for your meeting at a place of her choosing.
I conjure thee, O Circle of power that thou weest a meeting place of truth, love and joy.
我召唤你, 圈的力量将爱与欢乐真实汇聚于此。
Accordingly, the person that can enter place of top class meeting can say already Fu Yougui.
We have checked with the department concerned and that the meeting will take place as planned.
我们跟有关部门联系过, 知道那个会将按原计划举行。
The undercover agent immediately sourced the police when he found out the gangs' meeting place.
Lumbar vertebra folds 1 place to be constrictive fracture, does organic still meeting stand walk
The seventh Diamond League meeting of the year took place in Lausanne, Switzerland on Thursday.
The old dream on the wane place, the general meeting has one beautiful new dream starts to start.
But only shortly after meeting her, it seemed in no way out of place to think of her in such terms.
The signing ceremony will take place on16 June at the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg.
As a meeting place and a forum in which to discuss global issues, the General Assembly is unparalleled.
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单词 meeting place 释义

  • 单词释义:会场,聚会地点  [更多..]



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