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单词 mean by 例句大全,用单词mean by造句:

But what do those Thenardiers mean by keeping my Cosette from me!
And what I mean by that is a mouse is yay big and a cat is yay big.
But what did you mean by teasing the creature in that manner, Cathy
But these projects are starting to redefine what people mean by Asia.
What are you trying to do, explain, etc? What do you mean by saying so?
What does she mean by cancelling her performance? ie Why has she done it?
This is what we mean by strengthening the people's democratic dictatorship.
No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.
I realized what the Orientals mean by contemplation and the forsaking of works.
By rural proletariat we mean farm labourers hired by the year, the month or the day.
But what do those Thenardiers mean by keeping my Cosette from me! Oh! she is coming.
What I mean by this, is try to have an equal mix of contextual links and a few banners.
我的意思是, 有一个平等的上下文链接和一些横幅。
A Critical Look at the Golden Mean by the Confucianists and Eclecticism by the Buddhists
What I mean by scope is the influence the process has on the total organization or community.
It is easy to understand the immovable property, but what do you mean by the intangible asset?
不动产好理解, 无形资产指什么?
At the mean time, the vulture went by. The potion was polluted by the unexpectedly fallen hair.
By bullish we mean stock prices are rising while by bearish we mean stock prices are declining.
牛指的是股价正在上升, 而熊指的是股价正在下跌。
So, what we mean by reading a painting is in reality seeking poetry in its pictorial composition.
These verbs mean to make something ineffective by if by applying an opposite or counterbalancing force.
The enormous blunders since committed by the US and Europe mean deference has been replaced by disquiet.
Taxpayer it is easy to understand the immovable property, but what do you mean by the intangible asset
It becomes a mean by which the follower of the Esoteric Buddhism can achieve selfpurification of his nature.
它成为一种意思, 通过它密教信徒能够达到自我天性的净化。
Hailstone can be forecast by the apart mean value of entropy and prevented by the bomb explosion in the main updraft.
By a hero with no place to display his prowess, we mean that your collection of great truths is not appreciated by the masses.
英雄无用武之地, 就是说, 你的一套大道理, 群众不赏识。
I am not sure i understand what you mean. By definition, any physical state transform under some representation of Lorentz group.
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单词 mean by 释义



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