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单词 meal time 例句大全,用单词meal time造句:

It is meal time, are you hungry now?
When I have time, I have a heavy midday meal.
This extra meal prolongs the breakfast time actually.
这次加餐, 就等于延长了早餐的时间。
Rest and meal breaks are not counted as working time.
Why would we want to eat dinner meal during day time ?
I am instantly struck by the civility of the meal time.
One tablet each time, three times a day after each meal.
At the time, people ate sweet dishes right along with the meal.
You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest.
Effect of cutting time on the nutritional contents of alfalfa leaf meal
Usage and dosage 4 pills each time, 3 times daily and suitable before meal.
用法用量口服。一次4粒, 一日3次。宜饭前服。
She had no time to allow herself even a proper meal or a good night's sleep.
她整天吃不上一餐安稳的饭, 睡不上一个安稳的觉。
Part of a meal served at one time. There's sure to be some sort of dinner going.
By the time the meal began, the youngest children were getting tired and crotchety.
Getting on a plane after consuming a large meal may lead to a disastrous time in the sky
In the interval which marked the preparation of the meal, Carrie found time to study the flat.
趁她姐姐烧饭的空隙, 嘉莉打量了公寓。
Only a single time did he get enough to eat, and that was a meal of vomit he found in a gutter!
Every time I go out for a meal or a drink I make sure I bring a coaster Home for my collection.
我每次出去吃饭或喝酒, 都一定带个茶杯垫回来收集。
Those who need an attention is to want to escape has a meal and rest, especially the time of siesta.
Sit up with the head tilted forwards during meal time. Do not lie down or tilt the head backwards while eating.
She did not usually suffer from bad digestion after a meal, but this time she could not digest the very spicy meat.
她一般都不会不好消化, 但这次她不能消化这很辣的肉。
During the busy farming period, farmers can't even spare time to have meals back at home. They will have a quick meal by the field ridge.
I know healthy meals are really important, but it’s hard to find the time to cook a healthy meal after work, especially when you’re tired and hungry.
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