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单词 meat saw 例句大全,用单词meat saw造句:

To my fury, I saw that the dog had taken our meat.
看见狗把肉叼走了, 我勃然大怒。
If you saw what the hog ate, you would never eat hog meat.
假如你看到肥猪吃什么, 你就不会再吃肥猪肉。
I saw a dog carrying a piece of meat entering your garden.
Helen made a grimace of disgust when she saw the raw meat.
Then I saw other lumps of meat rolling down the sides of the valley.
We are able to process meat stuffing, cut mutton into slices and saw pork bones.
现场免费为您加工肉馅, 切羊肉片, 锯大骨。
A snipe flew over and saw a piece of red meat on the ground, so it dived to the ground and pecked at the clam.
这时候鹬飞过, 看到一块鲜美的肉在地上, 就想吃到嘴里。
When he saw the crow standing on the branch with the meat in his mouth, he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat.
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