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单词 measuring out 例句大全,用单词measuring out造句:

Reliable technology, advanced equipment, measuring out perfect.
技术力量可靠, 设备先进, 析测完善。
is it's counting its steps or measuring the distance out in this direction.
He stretched out a measuring line and did not withhold his hand from destroying.
Frequently selecting thresholds for one set of measuring devices out to be difficult.
God will stretch out over Edom the measuring line of chaos and the plumb line of desolation.
耶和华必将空虚的准16绳, 混沌的线铊, 拉在其上。
Site debugging and probation of the Weighting and Barycenter Measuring System is carried out.
Measuring devices registry, safekeeping, receiving and dispatching, sending out for verification or calibration termly.
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