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单词 measure up 例句大全,用单词measure up造句:

Why not stretch up to measure of the challenge and see what all you can do.
To warm up the cylinders is an important measure before starting the engine.
It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection.
Toughness is a measure of the ability of a material to absorb energy up to fracture.
How do the current plans for a reform of corporate taxation measure up to these goals
She certainly did not fail to measure up to the expectations of the Party and the people.
The policy measure to prop up the small cities development and coordination was insufficient.
To Analyse the Comparison of Phrase Made up of Noun and Measure Word between Chinese and Korean
Up to now, there is no efficacious therapeutic measure of diseases induced by aluminum poisoning.
the measure index is rational, the criterion is suitable and let students jump up to pluck peaches.
测试项目合理, 标准设置适宜, 让学生跳起来摘桃子。
The applying unit possesses the technology and equipment that measure up to the standard of the state.
In the arm, you can measure blood flow in the arm by how much it swells up as some blood flows into it.
你测量手臂上的血流 测量血流通过时血管扩张了多少
I cannot measure up to such a big task. As the saying goes, The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Its prevention measure mainly is to establish a modern defending strategy so as to build up strong air force.
Insure measure precision of instrument system, follow up energy consumption and ensure continuous improvement.
Sum up Distribution Laws of Residual Oil for Determining Oil Well Directions of Measure Discovering Potentials
The dustbin should be set up more, issue the behavior that relevant measure sanction destroys the environment.
Setting up a Teacher Party Representative is the Important Measure for Establishing the Party Branch in the Class
I cannot measure up to such a big task. As the saying goes,"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak".
The problem now is that a number of Party members dont measure up, so we must consolidate the Party through education.
In abandon farmland afforestation, can use soil preparation of channel of hold up fosse, level, dig the measure such as segregation belt.
在弃耕地造林, 可采用撩壕, 水平沟整地, 挖隔离带等措施。
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单词 measure up 释义



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