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单词 measurements 例句大全,用单词measurements造句:

The more important measurements to be made on the model are those of absolute and relative displacements.
Measurements and analysis of aerosol and cloud optical properties at the Great Wall Station on Antarctica
A New Reconstruction Algorithm for Moire Tomography in the Measurements of Complex Density Distributions.
Measurements should be made within a standardized time period or as agreed upon between interested parties.
Consequently, measurements ofthe abdominal girth at the umbilical level should be made soon after admission.
因此, 周长测量腹脐水平应在作出入院后不久。
Spetroscopic measurements are, of course, much more accurate than the experiments of the type just described.
当然, 光谱测量远比上述类型的实验精确得多。
A performance analyst makes performance measurements on the infrastructure and schedules any needed upgrades.
Experimental results of aberration measurements of two lenses are given to verify the usefulness of the setup.
Adsorption of Photographic Spectral Sensitizing Dyes to Silver Bromide and Enthalpy of Adsorption Measurements
Study on Economic Culture Function of Soccer Fans and Factors of Aberration Actions and Prevention Measurements
The studies on the acoustic performance of the acoustic curtain through experiment measurements are introduced.
Calibration of geomagnetic instruments is an effective method for accurate and reliable geomagnetic measurements.
Aircraft measurements of cloud droplet spectral dispersion and implications for indirect aerosol radiative forcing
Acoustic correlation velocity measurement technology is used to make measurements of velocity relative to the seabed.
Value of ambulatory venous pressure measurements in diagnosis and treatment for disease of deep vein of lower extreme
The existence of the contact resistance must be considered when accurate thermal conductivity measurements are performed.
如果要精确地测量热导率, 就必需考虑接触阻力的存在问题。
By using various accessories, it can be used for special measurements, such as pitches of male threads and female threads.
利用各种随机附件, 亦可进行内外螺纹中径等多种特殊测量。
Measurements of lateral aerodynamics characteristics of forebodies at high angle of attack in subsonic and transonic flows
Measurements and analyses of the relationship between the mesiodistal width of the maxillary central incisor and nasal width
A New Design for Realizing the Absolute Determination of Luminous Flux Standard and Accurate Measurements of High Luminous Flux
were available to learn what it is that the people were typing and to match that up with the measurements in the accelerometer.
了解这些人输入的是什么 并结合了 加速规所测量的数据。
The Screening and Propertical Measurements of Corrosion and Acid Fog Inhibitor for Hydrochloric Acid Cleaning in Home Temperture
Floating measurements are one of high precision measurements with suppressing differences between grounds or common mode Voltages.
The aim of this study is the assessment of fetal sacral length ultrasonographic measurements in the calculation of gestational age.
Simulation Research and Actual Measurements on Water Conservation Mining and Overlayer Strata Movement of Thick Base Rock Shallow Seam

单词 measurements 释义

  • 单词释义:量度( measurement的名词复数 );测量;衡量;(量得的)尺寸  [更多..]



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