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单词 master worker 例句大全,用单词master worker造句:

Accessibility The powerful person is a master net worker.
He was only too glad to be an apprentice to Master Worker Wang.
给王师傅当徒弟, 他真是求之不得。
My practice master worker gives a lot of work of getting in touch with customer to me.
Ordinary lathe worker 4,mill,pliers,grinder apprentice proper name,master mechanic proper name.
普通车工4名,铣 钳 磨床学徒工数名,熟练工数名。
Stress on practise training, learning doing in the doing through apprentice follow master worker.
Decorate the companys custombuilt hot pressing door, spray paint of spot of oily worker master worker.
装饰公司定做的热压门, 油工师傅现场喷漆。
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单词 master worker 释义

  • 单词释义:工人师傅,工长;师父  [更多..]



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