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单词 Marco 例句大全,用单词Marco造句:

Thank you for your telex duplicating your order for 400 dozen Marco brand shirts.
Although Marco was young, he was very clever and could already speak four languages.
马可很年轻, 他聪明伶俐, 会讲四种语言。
Many of them thought that marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.
Marco never seemed to wonder at the immense collection of facts in his father's head.
马科对他父亲头脑里有那么渊博的知识, 似乎从不感到惊讶。
This paper discusses Marco Polo S contributions to physical geography and mineralogy.
We have been focusing on punctuation and we have begun to read a story about Marco Polo.
我们重点学习了标点, 并且阅读关于马可。波罗的故事。
Last year I had to act the role of Marco Polo in a movie, but then I refused the proposal.
They seem haughty, classy and the player I always adored was Marco van Basten, that's sure.
荷兰前锋都非常灵巧, 而我得偶像自然就是是范巴斯腾。
Milan have confirmed the capture of goalkeeper Marco storari from Serie A strugglers messina.
The publication of Marco Polo's travels produced a profound effect upon the European imagination.
马可 波罗游记的出版对欧洲人的想象力产生了深刻影响。
Marco Belinelli and Brandan Wright 14 apiece, and Andris Biedrins had eight points and 17 rebounds.
贝里内里和布兰登赖特各拿下14分, 别德林斯拿下8分和17个篮板。
During the war, Marco was the captain of a warship but was caught by the enemy and put into prison.
The Marco Polo Davao is located on the corner of Claro M Recto Street and Manuel Roxas Avenue in Davao City.
Marco Fu after Tencent accepted exclusive interview with respect to their dissatisfaction with the performance.
An example of this artistic'alteration'can be seen in one of his early masterpiece - The Piazza San Marco: Looking North.

单词 Marco 释义

  • 单词释义:[地名] [秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、美国、意大利] 马科  [更多..]



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