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单词 mark up 例句大全,用单词mark up造句:

Mark twain built up his worldwide reputation by his wonderful novels.
I think Jane and Mark would make a perfect couple. Let's fix them up.
我认为简和马克是理想的一对, 我们来撮合他们吧。
I mark a center line on the riser to help me line it up with the clamps.
MARK COLVIN The fight against sexual slavery is being ramped up a notch.
As the elapse of time, the product that does not have up to mark by abandon.
At the set, Kathleen hands Mark the bag of chili peppers, which he sucks up.
在片场, 凯萨琳递给马克吸的是一袋红辣椒。
Go up to wiped gently in very hot mark with alcohol, toilet water or strong tea can purify.
Mark neglected to warm up before jumpping into the swimming pool and got a cramp in his leg.
The white group mark that leaves on lacquer layer to heating up a teacup, usable cloth chafes.
The manuscript contained so many mistakes that it took longer to mark up than the publisher had expected.
Mark that the blessings of sacred fellowship and perfect cleansing are bound up with walking in the light.
If the quality is not up to the mark then there will be an increase in customer complaints and lost sales.
You should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down.
你害怕做上记号的书, 或者不敢摊开。
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