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单词 mass media 例句大全,用单词mass media造句:

Through no fault of his own,he happens to be born into an era where the mass media is king.
Besides making money the mass media must also assume the responsibility of social education.
大众传播媒体除了赚钱, 也要负起社会教育的责任。
The mass media should emphasize the value of the concept of internalization and infiltration.
Research on the Promotion of Mass Media to the Moral Socialization of the University Students
I believed that, the entertainment is to the mass media dissemination function centralization.
The two most fundamental factors of literary propagation are the propagator and the mass media.
However, freedom of the mass media shall not be abused to incite religious intolerance or strife.
A push strategy emphasizes personal selling rather than mass media advertising in the promotional mix.
The alteration of linguistic signs is the direct cause of the cultural transmutation in the mass media.
Modern Intellectual, Mass Media of Newspapers and Periodicals and Evolution of Political Transformation
Besides making money, mass communication media should also assume the responsibility of social education.
A Study on the Morphological Transformation of ErRenZhuan in Northeast China in the Context of Mass Media
The mass media and commercial sponsorship have maintained its prominence in the English sporting calendar.
This paper have carried out an inspection and analysis of the childrens literature in the era of mass media.
The mass media to the economic interest chase is a driving force which the entertainment phenomenon produces.
A few members of media met the conditions of technology, but simply failed to catch on with the mass audience.
In this paper, the perspective of mass communication study to analyze the corporate media in crisis management.
The United Nations should support and publicize those efforts through the mass media and information and communications technology.
As a mass media, films are widely accepted out of its special fascination. China has practiced the openingup policy about thirty years.
作为一种大众传媒, 电影由于其特殊的魅力而广受欢迎。
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单词 mass media 释义

  • 单词释义:大众传播媒体,大众传媒,海量媒体数据;广效传播媒介  [更多..]



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