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单词 martial spirit 例句大全,用单词martial spirit造句:

The spirit of martial arts of Guan Yu phenomenon reflection.
Must the spirit which esteems martial arts, integrates to the attractive movement.
In spite of the superabundance of its martial spirit, it could not escape an early death.
Competition for Marriage in Martial SkillsAn Anthropological Mo롴鉖with Chivalrous Spirit and the Worldly Rule.
So Chinese martial arts require the close combination of the inner spirit and breathing with the outer body movements.
Martial Spirit of the Northerners During Tang Dynasty and How It Encouraged Poets to Join the Army and Brought Changes in Their Literary Creation
In September 1945 Emperor Hirohito, shamed by defeat, explained in a letter to his 12-year-old son Akihito that Japan's military had over-emphasized martial spirit and neglected science.
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单词 martial spirit 释义

  • 单词释义:[电影]武动青春  [更多..]



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