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单词 knock up 例句大全,用单词knock up造句:

The white cells gobble up the invaders, and the antibodies knock them out.
The boss attached great importance to him, for he was able to knock up copy.
老板很器重他, 因为他能赶着出稿。
Hurricane rolled up the door snow, The iron stick knock out the door cream.
Zhou Yu had Zhuge Liang knock up one hundred thousand arrows within three days.
You give me ten minutes, I'll whip up a spaghetti carbonara that'll knock their socks off.
给我10分钟 我会做出令他们称绝的 蛋黄培根意粉。
Knock off a schooner of beer He scooped up some water with his hands and took a big mouthful.
They came into the front hall, stamping their boots and jumping up and down to knock the snow off.
Knock down the odor and soak up the moisture by occasionally sprinkling a little salt in your canvas shoes.
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单词 knock up 释义

  • 单词释义:敲门唤醒;匆匆准备[做]某事  [更多..]



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