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单词 knee bend 例句大全,用单词knee bend造句:

deep knee bend with hands on hips
Bend the right knee to your chest.
But Mr Khan refused to bend the knee.
但是, 可罕拒绝卑躬屈膝。
Bend at the knee when you ski downhill.
你从山上往下滑雪时, 要屈着膝。
Time can bring you down, time can bend your knee.
时间会使你潦倒, 时间会让你屈服。
Along with that, make sure you don't have much knee bend.
You cannot expect a prince to bend the knee to an ordinary man.
If your cramp is in the front of your thigh, then bend your knee.
如果你是大腿前侧抽筋, 弯曲膝盖。
You want to keep your kick tight and small with slight knee bend.
We commence to great organs be dancing two slow delayed walks bend knee.
to bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or ground, as in worship
To bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or ground, as in worship.
Your kicks should alternate and start at the hip with a slight knee bend.
两腿轮流打水, 从臀部开始发力, 膝盖微微弯曲。
The legs should only have a small knee bend, and then bend from the hips.
膝盖微曲, 上身从髋处开始往前倾。
You might hear a crunching or clicking sound when you bend or extend your knee.
We bend the knee to no one human, any more than we bend to the abstraction of an ideal.
我们不对着任何人类屈膝, 我们只对抽象的理想下跪。
Lift the knee and bend it toward the chest, with the kneecap pointed toward the ceiling.
Generally bite in the ankle, start to bend a knee, oppress blood vessel, reduce blood fluxion.
一般咬伤在脚踝, 将膝盖屈起, 压迫血管, 减少血液流动。
Bend your knee slightly and then let the spotter support you at the ankles during the chin up.
All you have to do is bend one knee and dive away in the direction the kick goes, in this case on the right.
你要做的就是屈单膝, 朝球的方向跑, 这种情况下要向右跑。
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单词 knee bend 释义

  • 单词释义:弯管,管子弯头  [更多..]



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