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单词 Kitchen God 例句大全,用单词Kitchen God造句:

The malt syrup is very sticky. It clings to the Kitchen God s teeth.
The Kitchen God's Wife and Integration between East and West Culture
Characteristics of Feminist Narratology in Amy Tan's The Kitchen God's Wife
The ceremony of sending out the kitchen god is very important in the village.
Worshipping and welcoming the kitchen god is an important custom in our place.
The sacrifice rite of the Kitchen God evolved along with the development of history.
After seeing off the Kitchen God, people begin preparing for the arrival of the New Year.
It is our custom to make a sacrifice to the kitchen god on the night before lunar New Year's Eve.
根据我们这里的风俗, 小年夜家家户户都要祭灶。
Legend Kitchen God is in charge of fish, fishermen, each year the night open to fishermen fish library.
渔民传说灶君是掌管鱼的, 每年此夜为渔民开放鱼库。
It is a Chinese traditional holiday to worship the Kitchen God, which is also called the"Small Spring Festival'.
First of all, this article dissertates the derivation of Kitchen God by focusing on the historical development of the Kitchen God Belief.
On the afternoon of the day to make offerings to the kitchen god, a gusty east wind blew dark clouds over the sky and it suddenly turned warmer.
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