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单词 long line 例句大全,用单词long line造句:

His family is well-known in medicine for generations, and has a long line of famous doctors.
An aerial half a wavelength long consisting of two rods connected to a transmission line at the center.
As a kind of figurative art, the form, especially the line form in painting has been concernedfor a long time.
作为造型艺术, 绘画中的形, 尤其是线形的问题一直倍受关注
d. For intermediate packing lube points on long twocompartment distance pieces, the lube line pressure is zero.
You want to dial an outside line 9 before the number, please call long distance you need to transfer switchboard.
New principle of segregated phase current differential protection in long distance transmission line with series capacitor compensation
This was nothing but deceptive, delusional and delirious rigmarole at its stupidest, a trick played on ministers to keep them in line for as long as he could.
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单词 long line 释义



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