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单词 lobby for 例句大全,用单词lobby for造句:

I commissioned a painting for the hotel lobby.
We waited for John in the lobby of the airport.
I will wait for you in the lobby of the airport.
我想你在酒店大堂等我, 好吗?
Farmers will lobby Congress for higher subsidies.
The lobby is empty but for the postman and his broom.
Some of the audience went into the lobby for a smoke.
In the elevator, she pressed the button for the lobby.
In the lobby downstairs. Ill be waiting for you there.
在楼下的大厅里, 我将去那儿等您。
The carpeting for the entrance lobby needs to be renewed.
Maybe you can freshen up. I can wait for you at the lobby.
The tutorial mode appears clearly for everyone in the lobby.
She was arrested in the hotel lobby for deliberate homicide.
For example, he used to lobby on behalf of tobacco companies.
Below stairs, he halted in the lobby to look for a barber shop.
Gather at the lobby Van departs Fangdi Hotel for Welcome Reception
在房地宾馆大堂集合, 乘车到美丽园大酒店
For temporary out accommodation, please notify the lobby manager on duty.
如需临时外出住宿时, 请事先通知大堂值班经理。
Located at the backside of lobby, it is a nice place for restand meeting.
Get together at the Lobby for the transportation to the venue of the Dinner
大堂集合, 乘车前往晚宴地点
Also, the companies in the cluster can lobby together for changes in the locality.
而且, 集群里得企业可以一道游说, 影响当地得变化。
Please contact the Assistant Manager in the lobby for any problem during your staying.
A few people, mostly men waiting for girls, stood in the lobby watching the elevator doors.
几个人站在门廊里望着电梯, 大都是男人在等女孩子。
Morty So, you stand in the lobby, by the elevator, and wait for her to come down for lunch.
Gather at the lobby Van departs Fangdi Hotel for ShanghaiTheatreAcademy Registration New Space
在房地宾馆大堂集合, 乘车到上海戏剧学院
Certainly, Mr. Li. Please come to the Cashier Counter in the lobby. Ill prepare the Bill for you.
好的, 李先生。请到账台来吧, 我会把账单准备好的。
Reception Service For checkin, please contact with the Reception at the Front Desk in the hotel lobby.
接待服务位于一层大堂总台, 为宾客办理入住登记手续。
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单词 lobby for 释义

  • 单词释义:疏通,游说当权者批准[采取]…,试图通过游说[疏通活动]获得…  [更多..]



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