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单词 lodge with 例句大全,用单词lodge with造句:

lodge complaints with organs of state
Are lodge a complaint with Star Command ?
The final decision should lodge with the chairman.
We have no alternative but to lodge a claim with you.
我们除了向你们索赔外, 毫无其他办法。
The judge played bridge in lodge with the budgeter last night.
I am afraid we have to lodge a claim with you for rough packing.
I hope I'll never have to invoke this clause and lodge a claim with you.
You should be responsible for the loss. And we must lodge a claim with you.
你方应对损失负责, 我方必须向你方索赔。
The goods we receive is supplied by you, so we must lodge a complaint with you.
我们收到的货物是你们提供的, 应当向你方索赔。
We would like to lodge a complaint with your business about your parking habits.
You could either lodge a claim with the shipowner or with the insurance company.
The goods we received were supplied by you, so we must lodge a complain with you.
我们收到得货物是你们提供得, 应当向你方索赔。
If you are not satisfied with the treatment you've received, you should lodge an official complaint.
Twenty one guest suites cascade down the slope from the Main Lodge, with access from a Breezeway ramp.
二十一套客房顺坡排列, 有屋顶的坡道把它们串成一列。
You can cook your own food in backpacker lodge and have chance to mingle with people from different countries.
With regard to the introduction of the Meridian Gate decapitation is a kind of, then lodge their dissatisfaction is another.
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单词 lodge with 释义

  • 单词释义:寄宿在(某人)家;向…提交…  [更多..]



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