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单词 look up to 例句大全,用单词look up to造句:

Want to beef up the sound of your exhaust, look no further, we can assist you!
That person may be a religious or political leader, or anybody you look up to.
那个人可能是宗教或政治领袖, 抑或是任何你敬仰的人。
Actually, scarves and bags are very useful accessories to brighten up your look.
I decided I would go to the Archive the next day and look up the appropriate issue.
I look forward to the important presidency of Ambassador Wang, coming up next month.
We all look at me very nervous, had no choice but to step aside to shore up the ship.
The young adult might have learned these practices and look up to that person as well.
这些年轻的成年人学会了那些行为, 也敬仰那个人。
Every morning when I woke up, I hated to look at my crewcut head in the bathroom mirror.
Look up to the Longtan, such as Abas million Fei Bao Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.
仰望龙潭, 飞瀑如珠玑万斛直落九天, 蔚为壮观。
The reference files in the archives are all well classified to make it eaiser to look things up.
You can then look at the state of your program during the moments leading up to the access violation.
Backstage Is responsible for between the data increase the deletion to look up with the data maintenance.
Compare with an antique soul to his attention, he to D one Kang with originally speak to not and up look after.
Review the past, look forward to the future and catch up with the current of time to strive for new achievements
You do not need to dress yourself up to make yourself look pretty, all you need to do is to apply some powder and make-up.
The standing alone is what doesnt matter look for, standing alone is not intentional to put the green shade that grow up.
His friend was far too proud to accept a loan, and so spent a lot of time trekking to the library in the rain to look things up.
Bronze mirrors, a daily appliance for ancient people to look in and make up, were prevalent for thousands of years in our country.
铜镜是古代人们照面饰容的日常用具, 在我国流行数千年。
Lift up your eyes and look about you All assemble and come to you your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm.
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单词 look up to 释义

  • 单词释义:抬头看(某人或某物), 尊重[敬仰](某人);企慕;瞧得起;仰慕  [更多..]



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