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单词 look upon 例句大全,用单词look upon造句:

Examine and measuring official of leader cadre look upon the state of mind of loss.
The madness and memoryloss suffered by humans who look upon a Garou in Crinos form.
A man should be just cultured enough to be able to look with suspicion upon culture.
It is said that nobody dare to look down upon Huizhou after Sir Dongpo's exile here.
Look at your Master and your King upon the cross, all distained with blood and dust!
看看你那位在十字架的主人和君王, 祂满身鲜血与尘土!
It is a common trend to look down upon the pavement dwellers as outcasts of society.
将街民贬为社会的弃民, 是很常见的趋势。
They can look upon the hills, canyons, and cactus with appreciation rather than fear.
As long as anyone who uses those condescending eyes to look upon me, I will kill him!
But, the auction shills, look down upon the poor and flatter the rich are still exist.
What influence has made these comrades look upon the atom bomb as something miraculous?
Your Radiance has seven gods, so perhaps she will look upon my seventh plea with favor.
陛下信仰七神, 也许她会对我的其次请求有所感。
Cain's face was downcast because he was angry, because God did not look upon his sacrifice.
The voice of my beloved! Look, he comes, leaping upon the mountains, bounding over the hills.
Some employers look upon a GED as inferior, preferring instead an actual high school diploma.
有些雇主看待一个总部低贱, 宁愿不要一个实际高中文凭。
I thought this was a Buddhist swastika but upon closer look, I noticed the text was in German.
Upon receiving news of the pending cancellation of his contract, he began to look for a new job.
他收到合约即将被解除的消息时, 便开始找新工作。
Upon the highest bough. Look at this fuel for me and fuel for my baby. These are awesome. Thanks.
They look down upon the stage platform, thinks dirty, and disorder, has destructiveness the play.
The chief publican longed to look upon the face of Him whose words had brought hope to his heart.
这税吏长渴望见耶稣一面, 因他的话已使他心中生出希望。
I confess freely to you, I could never look LONG. upon a monkey without very mortifying reflections.
for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar.
Look back upon suddenly, disturbances, or song or tears, number has left a little sighing with emotion.
In the determination of the inorganic constituents of the sediment there are two ways to look upon the analysis.
It is no wonder that the writers of the nineteenth century look upon society as an artificial creation of the legislators genius.
Look at the influence of Confucianism upon Buddhist viewpoint of loyalty and filial piety from the great debate about loyalty and filial piety
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单词 look upon 释义

  • 单词释义:看作,显得不错;看待  [更多..]



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