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单词 look in 例句大全,用单词look in造句:

Therefore we are able to look difficulties squarely in the face.
I beside him squat, looking at him flurried of look in the eyes.
我在他身旁蹲下, 看着他慌乱的眼神。
A look in your eyes, a touch in my mind, happiness always arise.
Look in your beauty, eyes filled with tenderness and appreciation.
Could Sir Thomas look in upon us just now, he would bless himself.
要是此时此刻托马斯爵士能看见我们, 会把他气坏的。
There was a late look in the light, a late sense in the atmosphere.
I bet that flag is a real comfort every time you look in the mirror.
我打赌, 每次你看着镜子时那面旗都是一种真正的安慰。
The ability to look up and select from existing users in the database.
The grocer accused her of shoplifting and demanded to look in her bag.
So the farther back we look in space, the further back we see in time.
The blackbird had a quick, wary look in case the cat was anywhere around.
In accordance with this plan,we shall look for the first payment on Sept. 1.
Look and make it according to the pattern, that was shewn thee in the mount.
as the people in New York and L. A. look on in absolute morbid astonishment.
就像在纽约和洛杉矶的人一样 看上去绝对的病态惊讶
But look at cancer. The death rate in cancer in over 48 years hasn't changed.
但看看癌症呢?50年里癌症死亡率 没有改变。
I really admire how she can look so stylish in jeans, I always look ordinary!
She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to look in the shop windows.
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She appeared not to have seen him, and he did not look in that direction again.
她仿佛没有瞧见他, 他也便未朝那边再看一眼。
Racy Watson goes for a bad girl look in a sheer black dress and dark brown hair
An ancient village turns a vital look in boundless rape blossoms in early spring.
Quietly, the campus can look golden in the sunset in the station into a silhouette.
默默地, 校园在夕阳金色的余晖中站成一幅剪影。
Ive heard that all flowers are in blossom in Beihai, let me push you to have a look.
Actually I was amazed at the treatment room - it did not look in the least clinical.
So this week in our Student Series we look at agriculture programs in the United States.
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单词 look in 释义

  • 单词释义:往里面看;拜访; 短暂访问;把注意力转向…  [更多..]



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