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单词 little finger 例句大全,用单词little finger造句:

Rupture about tendon of right little finger the problem after the operation!
X. Ma legs, like little index finger tip of tongue, and then the little nose.
My darling grew the nugget with a big little finger after ear, what thing be?
They were no longer than his little finger, but he was not particularly hungry.
Study the reconstruction of thumb opposing function with abductor of little finger
As they come out, they come out thumbs down, or they come out little finger first.
手出水时, 大拇指朝下, 或者说小手指领先出水。
Some bamboo is thinner than your little finger. Some is much thicker than your waist.
He showed me a manky injured little finger and said that this was really, really bad.
他给我看了严重受伤的小指, 说真的很糟糕。
Tony would do anything for Louise because she can twist him around her little finger.
She always have a finger in the pie if her neighbours are planning any little festivity.
她的邻居如果打算搞一点喜庆活动, 她都要插一手。
She seems rather quiet and timid, but she can twist her husband round her little finger.
她看起来一副文静腼腆的样子, 却能把丈夫管得服服帖帖的。
She was disappointed, as she give up the occasion, it was gently hooked her little finger.
她很失望, 正当她放弃之际, 有人轻轻的钩住她的尾指。
Aladdin put the ring on the little finger of his left hand and began to go down the stairs.
I was he witched by an electrical outlet that screamed out to me to stick in my little finger.
Right thumb, middle finger, ring finger, little finger and the rosette is slightly incomplete.
Look at your little finger, the emptiness of it is no different that the emptiness of infinity.
Straigten out your hand and with the little finger edge strike repeatedly against any hard surface.
I hooked the little finger of my right hand in my child's and pulled, in token of my promise to him.
Miss Su picked out the Tiger Balm, dabbed a little on her finger and applied it to Hungchiens temples.
incomplete flexion of ring finger may simulate rotation deformity as it tends to overlap little finger.
Objective To introduce some little techniques and experience on increasing the speed of finger replantation.
Applied Anatomy of Abductor Muscle of Little Finger Transposition for Abductor Function of Thumb Restoration
The little finger is a side outside the next olives nucleus carries on the back, outside spinal cord side scope.
Repair of soft tissue defect of the little finger with reversed ulnar fasciocutaneous flap of fifth metacarpal bone
Does end of left hand little finger receive the issue that rips fracture to accompany extensor tendon to rupture to disable about deciding?
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单词 little finger 释义



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