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单词 lining out 例句大全,用单词lining out造句:

I spent several weeks in scouting out an overcoat with fur lining.
The preacher was lining out a hymn. He lined out two lines, everyone sung it.
Application of Deep Mixing Piles for Pile wall Lining at Arfificial Scoop out well of Pile
We are lining out room by room,enabling us to have different material in different rooms.
We put the rubber roller is open, check out abnormality, after the lining is also acceptable.
我们把橡皮滚筒敞开, 查抄后不有发掘变态, 包衬也合乎请求。
It is actually uterine curettage, and it is an instrument used to scrape out the contents of the lining of the uterus.
实际上应该叫刮宫术, 刮取子宫内膜或宫腔内容物的手术。
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