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单词 live up to 例句大全,用单词live up to造句:

The adult housefly can live up to one month in the wild.
Stacy was able to live up to what others expected of her.
After receiving a large inheritance, Alice began to live it up.
艾丽斯继承了一大笔遗产, 此后就开始痛快享受起来。
Now youve been left some money you can afford to live it up a bit.
We need to live up to the promise to double aid for Africa by2010.
Monoclonal antibodies, for instance, have yet to live up to expectations.
The U.S. government says some of these pills do not live up to advertising claims.
The U. S. government says some of these pills do not live up to advertising claims.
Waiting is giving you a reluctant reason Live up is giving yourself an answer to absolve!
Why have we betrayed our allies of old, only to take up with the enemies of all that live?
我们背叛了旧日的盟友, 却和昔日的敌人为伍。
I acknowledge with hearty gratitude your congratulations and good wishes. I hope I can live up to them.
The average person can live up to eleven days without water, assuming a mean temperature of60 degrees fahrenheit.
We have even run into challenges that others never experienced. We cannot afford to slacken our efforts in the slightest if we are to live up the peoples trust and expectations.
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单词 live up to 释义

  • 单词释义:达到高标准;不辜负;实行;履行  [更多..]



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