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单词 Li Man 例句大全,用单词Li Man造句:

Sometimes the man sang songs from Peiping operas and Li cried as he thought of his home in the north.
Li Chuangfei, the man with a toothbrush moustache, now hurried elatedly back, his face bathed in sweat.
就在这时候, 那牙刷须的李壮飞一脸汗污兴冲冲地跑回来了。
In front of the veranda of the office building stood Pockmarked Li and another man, looking all round expectantly
As the son of Li Kashing, the richest man in Hong Kong, critics caricatured him as the type of spoiled brat whod take dads Porsche for a joy ride, then wreck it.
他开着父亲的保时捷去飚车, 后来把跑车给开毁掉了。
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