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单词 Light Sat 例句大全,用单词Light Sat造句:

I sat at the desk and thought I hated light.
She sat up and switched on the bedside light.
He switched off the light and sat in the dark.
He sat in a circle of light carefully observed.
That evening I sat in the room alone for choice without light.
那天晚上, 我独自坐在房内, 故意不开灯。
We sat before the window watching the paleness of light of dawn.
After we sat down, the light and the ceiling fans were turned on.
Su Lun sat gazing up at the light bulb with a faint smile on his lips.
The tramp sat on the damp ramp, looking at the stamps in the dim oil lamp light.
The haggard woman sat on a step under the electric light, by the entrance of the theatre.
电灯光下, 剧院门口的台阶上坐着一位面容憔悴的妇女。
She bent low out of the wind to light the cigarette, puffed twice before she sat up again.
He sat down and felt for a cigarette, but when he got it between his lips he forgot to light it.
他坐下来, 摸出一支香烟放到嘴里, 却忘了点火。
They sat at the table, where a candelabra was already casting flickering gold light table settings.
The little duchess sat on her aluminum throne at the dinner table, in the wondrous light of a candle.
在完美的烛光下, 小女公爵坐在餐桌旁她的铝制宝座上。
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