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单词 Li li 例句大全,用单词Li li造句:

Hongruan Li Director of Overseas Chinese Academy of Fu Jian Social Sciences Institute.
Li Jianyi was a traditional Chinese physician with great achievements in modern times.
Xiao Li caught the thief to bring him to justice, but was accused by the thief himself.
Li Yuan and Li Mingjing are two young artists who emphasize on the spiritual expression.
The Historical Value of the Title Deed Sold by Li Ziqi and Another One Bought by Li Zhong
Li's mother, Wang Jie, accompanied him in the beginning and taught him how to the laundry.
After refilling his glass, Mr Li has made acquaintance with a few more guests at the party.
Agree via Comrade Li Li, print publishs this group of precious history photographs publicly.
经李力同志同意, 本刊将这一组珍贵的历史照片公开发表。
Li Yunfei won the 1st of Boyish Group, from Centre Music Institute Accessorial Middle School.
Xiao Li is abjectly obedient at home, as both his wife and daughter can"direct" him.
Li Lusha's academic background includes sociology, journalism, English language and literature.
Accordingly, li Mou has reason completely to ask wine shop bears cost of partial medical treatment.
因此, 李某完全有理由要求酒楼承担部分医疗费用。
Being Accepted and Depreciated of LI Bai's Poems as the Highest Paragon of the Tang Dynasty's Poetry
When Xiao Wang was practising fencing with Xiao Li, he accidentally wounded Xiao Li in the left arm.
The engine sound of rumble, accompanying a Gong Yan the car gallops go up in transit of a thousand li.
Exploration on Different Reasons of Li Shang yin and Du mus Accepting Li He White Jade Building Legend
Li, though, still lives across from the abandoned factory building because she is eight months pregnant.
然而, 已怀了八个月身孕的李仍住在被废弃的工厂里。
Classmate Li Mei of Bai Juan is an accoucheur, marital discriminate professor does male family to consider.
The rickshaw boy pointed to the blood dripping from his knee, and asked Li to take a look.Li then said no more.
On Li Shixian's Military Achievement in the Second Battle of Smashing the Jiangnan Camp during the Taiping Revolution
Yuan Li the academician national history courtyard, its responsibility becomes composes the national history primarily.
LI Jinhong Topic Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation Does the era of surpassing paroxysmal atrial fibrillation come.
This kind of folk sacrifice accelerated the transformation of Li Jing from a historical talent to a Taoist supernatural being.
The Li bald astute extroversion, according to the circumstance, can achieve success one way or another in front of the reality.
李光头精明外向, 随机应变, 在现实面前左右逢源。
The Difference between Li Yu and Li Yu the Difference between Professional Playwrights of Traditional Chinese Opera and Specialized Playwrights of Traditional Chinese Opera
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