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单词 mucosal surface 例句大全,用单词mucosal surface造句:

Here is a normal cervix with a smooth, glistening mucosal surface.
This colonic mucosal surface is erythematous because of the enormous infestation by Trichuris organisms.
鞭 虫大量侵袭使结肠粘膜表面出现红斑。
The colonic mucosal epithelium demonstrates loss of goblet cells. An exudate is present over the surface.
Adenomatous polyps are visible protrusions that can develop on the mucosal surface of the colon or rectum.
In this concentration, the surface of the mucosal pathogens would be together with necrosis and peeling off.
在这种浓度下, 体表的粘膜会随病原体一起坏死并剥落。
This irregular reddish, ulcerated exophytic midesophageal mass as seen on the mucosal surface is a squamous cell carcinoma.
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